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Tā ir profesionāla kāzu radošā un

tehniskā izstrāde, plānošana, organizēšana un koordinēšana kāzu dienā.

Jūs, varēsiet iesaistīties tikai tik, cik paši vēlēsieties.

Korporatīvie pasākumi

Apaļš balts baneris ar uzrakstu. Baneris var būt uztaisīts jebkuras krāsas.
Papildus piedāvājām dekorēšanu ar gaisa baloniem, ziediem, tamatiskajām dekorācijam.Ir pieejama glancēta grīda, dažadi štatīvi, galdi tortēm.

no 400EUR

Sporta spēles

no 550 EUR - Foto zona no mākslīgajiem ziediem, 2.20x2.30, ir pieejamas vairākās krāsās. Saskaņojam iepriekš ar jums.

no 1200 EUR - Mix no māksligajiem un īstiem ziediem.Bildē ir mix.

no 4000EUR - no īstiem ziediem jebkuras krāsas.


no 50EUR

Ir pieejāmi 40 gab dažādas krāsas baneri. Varam pieskaņot jebkurai temātikai.Visus banerus var apskatīties un atrast baneri jebkurai temātikai.Ātri saliekamie. 2.45x2.45

Mēs varam uztaisīt jebkuru brendingu un nodekorēt ar ziedu vai balonu kompozīcijām. Pielikt klāt tematiskās dekorācijas, grīdu.

Organization of events

Bon Event Installations is an event agency with 10 years of experience.

We have organized more than 1000 events.

We organize from A to Z :

Weddings / Corporate Events / Sports Games / Conferences / Anniversaries / Marketing Events.

Decorations and technical support, event coordination from idea to realization.

The organization of events includes:

  • Technical support of the event - sound, lighting;

  • Artistic support - DJs, evening hosts, popular music groups, magic artists, unusual performances, shows;

  • Event decorations -  from flower composition workshop to large stage objects;  

  • Coordination of the event.


It is a professional wedding creative and

technical development, planning, organization and coordination of the wedding day.

You will only be able to get involved as much as you want.

Corporate events

Motivated employees , loyal customers and reliable partners make the company more successful, so it is important to invest in strengthening the loyalty of employees, customers and partners, thank you for your work and appreciate the trust in cooperation. 

An elegant customer party, a classic reception of partners or foreign guests or a bright New Year's event for employees.

Sports Games

After a job well done, it is also important to have a good rest!

Classic and themed sports games in both summer and winter! Puzzle tests, quest tasks, various sports and creative activities, unforgettable trips that unite. It will be a special event for employees who will be able to get to know their colleagues even more in an informal and creative atmosphere.


A great time that will be remembered for a long time!


We do everything necessary to ensure the smooth running of business, press or other conferences and seminars .


Professional organization, which includes finding appropriate premises, providing sound systems, translation, visual materials and other services, so that you can maximize the purpose of the conference and seminar , leading to discussions and mutual exchange of information.

Exciting and original ideas for private events!

Fun and heartfelt surprise parties and birthdays with a special theme. Memorable, unique bachelor and hen parties with a creative concept and realization of the event. Romantic and unforgettable temptations that will make the important moment of life beautiful and full of surprises! Beautiful and elegant  anniversaries, where every detail will be created according to your intentions.

Our creative team will make sure that the special moments of your life are exactly what you have dreamed of!

Online events

A great alternative to live events is an interactive adventure in which everyone can participate remotely. Corporate events, seminars or Christmas parties in digital format will help keep in touch with employees and generate positive emotions.


We will help you to create an easily accessible and content -rich event according to your wishes.

Pasākumu organizēšana un dekorēšana / Bon Event Installations
Sporta spēles organizēšana / Bon Event Installations
Pasākumu organizēšana Baltijā / Bon Event Installations
Pasākumu organizēšana / Bon Event Installations
Pasākumu organizēšana un dekorēšana / Bon Event Installations
Send a request for price quote or additional information

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